Austin charter school to close in June

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Austin Business and Entrepreneurship Academy will shut its door at the end of the this school year, the Chicago Tribune is reporting.

The school will be the first of the Renaissance 2010 schools to close, according to The Renaissance Schools Fund, which advocates and raises money for charter schools, the Tribune’s Noreen Ahmed-Ullah writes.

Renaissance 2010 is the Mayor Daley-led 2004 initiative to close 60 under-performing CPS schools and replace them with 100 new charter, contract and performance schools by 2010.

Here’s the rest of the story.

One thought on “Austin charter school to close in June

  1. I wish that all of the parents in the Austin community had access to the web to read the Chicago Tribune article concerning the closing of the high school.

    Students were reading at the 3rd and 4th grade levels at this high school. Parents must become more involved in their children’s education. Many parents view Charter schools as being better than public schools however there has been several charters which were closed.
    The residents in the coomunity near Whitney Young HS would not allow a charter school to be opened in there. Therefore CPS is opening an magnet school in the community. Yet in our communities charters are throughout. Charters are business entities only.

    Charters are no better than public schools.

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