Seven groups will share in more than $1 million in grants

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Circle Family HealthCare Network announced this week the groups that will share in the $1.225 million Gov. Pat Quinn’s administration has earmarked for anti-violence and wellness efforts in Austin.

Circle Family Health said it’s “thrilled” to be partnering with the African American Mentoring Group, Campaign for a Drug Free Westside, Kingdom Community Inc. Learning Network Center, Living Word Christian Center-
Prison Ministry and Westside Health Authority.

The money is coming from the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative, which is a collaborative project between the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority and the governor’s office that is implementing five program components in more than 20 communities in Chicago and three suburban areas.

AustinTalks first reported the West Side would be receiving the state funding in November.

Here’s how the money will be distributed:

•Mentoring Plus Jobs ($400,000) will provide 80 youths with part-time jobs and additional support. Kingdom Community Inc. will act as the coordinating partner and African Mentoring Group will act as a provider partner.

• Parent Leadership ($100,000) will offer 50 parents training to help them become community leaders. Westside Health Authority will act as the coordinating partner, and Learning Network Center is the provider partner.

• Re-entry ($250,000) will provide case management and expanded services for youth and young adults returning to Austin from correctional facilities. Living Word Christian Center was selected as the coordinating partner, and
Campaign for a Drug Free Westside is a provider partner.

• School Based Counseling ($275,000) will provide early-intervention and trauma-informed counseling services for students. Circle Family HealthCare Network is the coordinating partner.

The groups were chosen by an advisory committee, comprised of 22 individuals, community organizations, service providers and faith-based groups from Austin.

“One of the pillars of Circle Family HealthCare Network is our commitment to the community,” said Dr. Andre Hines, Circle Family’s chief executive officer. “I believe we had a good response from the community having received 45 applications. It is a privilege to bring these components to life and help foster collaborations that will build the capacity of our community, parents and youth in the area of violence prevention.”

Project director Vickie Rivkin said, “We hope to get the programs started in mid-April to mid-May.”

Partnerships were recommended based on a coordinating partner or provider partner role.

A coordinating partner is usually a larger organization with more financial and human resources that manages the implementation and also plays a “front line” role with the target audience. A provider partner is generally a smaller organization that also plays a “front line” role with target audience but receives program and administrative support or shares access with the coordinating partner’s facilities.

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