Youth will be shooting hoops in January at Austin Town Hall

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Eleven to 14-year-olds can register now for a new three-month community basketball program.

The 2011 Austin Safety Net Works Basketball Program will feature two leagues – one for 11- to 14-year-olds and the other for ages 5 to 10. Games will be held every Friday at Austin Town Hall starting Jan. 7 and continuing until the March Madness Tournament.

Boys and girls should register at 5437 W. Division St., where the Westside Health Authority’s youth programs department is located. Only 80 slots are open, with four teams per division. Registration ends Jan. 3. Registration is $45, which covers, uniforms, equipment, gym rental, trophies and banquet fees.

Austin Safety Net Works is the Austin-based violence prevention coalition that provides services for youth through Austin organizations such as the Westside Health Authority, New Birth Christian Center, The Peace Corner, LEADERS Network and Young Creative Minds. Austin area coaches have signed up to provide training and instruction.

Austin Safety Net Works is also collaborating with the Chicago Park District at Austin Town Hall for the Bitty Basketball Program for ages 5 to 10. Registration for Bitty Basketball, which also begins in January, is $5. Please register at 5437 W. Division St. or Austin Town Hall.

Local businesses are welcome to invest in the program and have the opportunity to advertise at Austin Safety Net Works basketball games.

For more information, call Jonathan Currie at 773-378-5034.

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