Job fair tomorrow for Chicago residents

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Ald. Emma Mitts (37th) in partnership with the Business and Human Resource Center and the Illinois Department of
Employment Security
will hold its next  resource and job  connection Fair Thursday at Prosser High School, 2148 N. Long Ave.

The two-day resource and employment fair – the second day, July 29, is open only to those who attend tomorrow –  is geared toward unemployed workers including youth, dislocated workers, ex-offenders, persons with disabilities and veterans. On both days, the fairs will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The focus of tomorrow’s event will be registering job applicants and providing work assessments, referrals for social services and an invitation to meet with employers July 29, when employers will be present to start the interview and application process for qualified job applicants.

“The most pressing need in the community during today’s tough economy is jobs,” Mitts said. “This job connection fair is designed to both assist job seekers improve their job readiness skills, as well as match them with local employers who are looking to hire.”

Those looking for work are encouraged to come to tomorrow to register and network with social service agencies, in
preparation for the July 29 job fair employer interview session.

For more information, contact Mitts’ office at 773-745-2894 or Sam Long at the Westside Ministers Coalition at 773-261-0207 or by e-mail at

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