Final Explosion team in need of temporary practice space

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The following letter comes from Latricia Walker, founder of the Final Explosion Team of Performing Arts.

Final Explosion Team of Performing Arts will be competing in Boys of Poison’s “No Holds Barred” dance competition Feb. 23 in St. Sabina Academy’s gymnasium, 7801 S. Throop St.

In order for us to put on our best performance, we need a larger space to practice. Currently we are practicing in my apartment, which is a nice size but not large enough to compare to the gym floor where we will be competing. We are asking for someone to donate a room in their facility for a couple of hours for two days. I have a small group of seven well mannered young girls and we would gladly offer a few dance classes to show our appreciation.

Thank you in advance,

Latricia Walker, Founder

Final Explosion Team of Performing Arts

Chicago, IL 60644


AustinTalks has covered the West Side performing arts team in the past. Read “Local group gives youth a safe place to party” and “Austin teams will compete in dace contest” for more on the troupe.

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