High school students: Learn about Austin Polytechnical Academy

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Discover Austin Polytechnical Academy, an innovative high school in Austin that prepares students for college and high-tech, high-paying careers in manufacturing. Join us at our upcoming informational meeting to learn how APA can help you build your future.

Join us Wednesday, Nov. 10 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Bethel New Life Amberg Hall, 1140 N. Lamon Ave.

Here’s what Austin Polytech provides students with:

  • a safe, supportive learning environment
  • paid summer job opportunities
  • professional machining certifications
  • a pre-engineering curriculum
  • advanced, college-prep courses
  • refurbished computers for all new freshmen

To learn more or enroll now, visit austinpolytech.org or call Ms. Brown at (773) 534-6302.

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