West Side aldermen start to weigh in on mayor’s 2016 budget

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Mayor Rahm Emanuel proposed a 2016 budget this week that includes a jump in property taxes and a new garbage pickup fees, among other increases.

West Side aldermen weighed in on the new plan, which the Chicago City Council will vote on later this fall after budget hearings are held.

“Nobody’s in support of a property tax increase, but this is a time where we really have to do some heavy lifting because of the fact that we haven’t raised the property tax in so long,” Ald. Emma Mitts (37th) told the Austin Weekly News earlier this month before the mayor unveiled his budget plan.

The Chicago Sun-Times quoted Ald. Chris Taliaferro (29th) as saying residents in his ward are overwhelmingly opposed to both a proposed property tax increase and a garbage hauling fee — the latter of which would cost homeowners nearly $10 a month. The new fee would be included in residents’ water bills. Low-income seniors could receive a partial exemption.

“We understand the position the city is in. We understand the position my personal [police] pension is in. It’s in jeopardy. But you have to look at what they see as well. And what they see is their financial ability to afford a tax increase, what the consequences are to their personal finances,” Taliaferro told the Sun-Times.

Ald. Jason Ervin (28th) appeared on Chicago Tonight earlier this week to discuss the mayor’s budget plan. Watch his appearance here.

Read more here from DNAinfo Chicago about when Chicago property owners could see their tax bills go up.

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