Gov. Rauner appoints West Side minister to college board

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Gov Bruce Rauner’s office announced today that Rev. Dr. Marshall Hatch, a supporter of the Republican’s gubernatorial campaign, has been appointed to Chicago State University’s Board of Trustees.

In the release, the governor notes that Hatch has spent years in the community and in public service to help others.

Since 1993, the minister has been the pastor of the New Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church. Before that, he served as the pastor of Commonwealth Baptist Church.

“Throughout his work in the ministry, Hatch has created and developed a number of outreach programs. He is responsible for an interfaith affordable housing development project, which built more than 200 homes for Chicago families. He also established an annual mission trip for inner-city youth,” the press release states.

Hatch earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Western Illinois University. He holds a master’s degree in government from Georgetown University. Hatch also earned a doctorate and master’s degree in ministry and theological studies from McCormick Theological Seminary. He was one of four Merrill Fellows at the Harvard Divinity School in 1998.

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