Thousands of spots available for teens in after-school programs

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More than 6,000 spots in the arts, communications, science, sports and technology will be offered to teens across Chicago this fall

After School Matters is now accepting applications for its fall apprenticeship and internship programs, which begin Oct. 1

Programs in the arts, communications, science, sports and technology will be offered at 56 Chicago Public Schools high schools, about 100 community organizations, and Chicago Park District and Chicago Public Library locations across the city, as well as Downtown at the Gallery37 Center for the Arts.

One of the innovative programs offered this fall in Austin is Digital STEMSEL, which will meet at Spencer Elementary Technology Academy.

Teens will learn engineering concepts through the programming of microchips while creating projects that apply to everyday life. The goal is to provide unique exposure to a variety of opportunities that may lead to engineering careers.

All After School Matters programs, which typically meet three days a week for 60 to 90 hours over the course of 10 weeks, are free and open to Chicago teen residents who are at least 14, and entering or currently enrolled in high school.

Teens can search for programs that interest them at locations in and around their neighborhood at

Teens must apply online and meet with program instructors to interview or audition for the program; spots fill up quickly, so teens are encouraged to apply early.

Founded in 1991 by former Chicago First Lady Maggie Daley, After School Matters provides teens with opportunities that supplement and enrich the learning that takes place during the traditional school day.

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