Chicago residents targeted to receive low-cost Internet

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Chicago will be a pilot city for the national EveryoneOn campaign, a program to get as many residents online as possible.

More than 1 million residents will be eligible for low-cost Internet service, according to a recent Chicago Sun-Times article.

“Digital skills are 21st century workforce skills, making digital literacy training and affordable access to high-speed Internet service game changers for children and adults,” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said in a press release.

The EveryoneOn campaign is expected to build off the 2011 partnership between the city and Comcast, which provides high-speed Internet service to some of the approximately 333,000 Chicago Public School students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. The Sun-Times reports about 11,000 students are taking advantage of the $9.95-a-month (with no installation or service fees); normally, the service costs nearly $50 a month.

Read to full Sun-Times story here.

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