Austin high school seniors can apply for a $1,000 college scholarship

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Some Austin-area seniors are eligible and encouraged to apply for the seventh annual North Avenue Business Association college scholarship – but they must apply for the $1,000 before the March 15 deadline.

To qualify, students must rank in the upper 20 percent of their class, have a 3.0 GPA, an ACT score of 21 and demonstrate financial need.

Only students who live within the boundaries of Armitage Avenue to the north, Division Street to the south, Austin Avenue to the east and Harlem Avenue to the west are eligible.

Two scholarships are awarded each year for seniors planning on continuing their education in a business major or related field. Last year’s recipients graduated from Steinmetz Academic Center and Oak Park and River Forest High School.

Applicants must write an essay, and provide a copy of their transcript and two letters of recommendation.


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