The Black Star Project honors 108 youth killed in Chicago, 10 in Austin last year

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While the nation continues to mourn the victims of the mass shooting in Newtown,  Conn. and other high-profile shootings, The Black Star Project sent out a newsletter earlier this month asking who will mourn the 505 victims of homicide, mostly black and Latino, killed in Chicago in 2012.

Of those killed last year, 108 were 19-years-old or younger. Gunshot was the No. 1 cause of death.

The Black Star Project honored the youth by printing their name, age, the date they died and cause of death. The statistics come from the RedEye Homicide Tracker.

Ten of the youth killed last year were from Austin:

Kentan Scott, 15, Dec. 20, gunshot

Devin Harris, 19, Oct. 31, gunshot

Alonzo Powell, 18, Aug. 18, gunshot

Richard Johnson, 18, Aug. 17, gunshot

Donata Gooden, 19, Aug. 12, stabbing

Quincey Simmons, 18, Aug. 1, gunshot

Akil Partee, 19, July 21, gunshot

Adeniyi Adesida, 18, July 5, gunshot

Heaven Sutton, 7, June 27, gunshot

Brandon Miles, 19, April 5, gunshot

The Black Star Project is urging people to ask the White House to work with the group to stop the carnage of black and Latino children in the streets of Chicago.

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