107 children, youth, young adults killed in Chicago in one year

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Using information from the Red Eye homicide tracker, The Black Star Journal is reporting 107 Chicago children, youth and young adults – under the age of 20 – were killed between March 2011 and March 2012, and six were in Austin.

“As Chicago police protected the heads of state of NATO countries from all over the world, a 14-year-old boy and 12-year-old boy were among those killed in Chicago while dozens of other Chicago residents were shot. We are the solution,” wrote the Black Star editor.

Here’s who was killed in Austin:

Mar. 27, 2011, Mokece Brown, 17, gunshot – alley

May 21, 2011, Terrance Boyd, 16, gunshot – sidewalk

July 29, 2011, Ewonte Butler, 18, gunshot – sidewalk

Aug. 21, 2011, Joseph Price, 14, gunshot – sidewalk

Sept. 2, 2011, Jaivon Sandifer, 3, stabbing – apartment

Nov. 28, 2011, Javon Saffore, 17, gunshot – street

To read the entire Black Star Journal entry, click here.







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