Austin residents seeking help after storm

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By Terry Dean

The backyard of Willie Cranberry’s Ohio Street home looks like it’s ready for a garage sale.

Quilts and comforters hang on the clothesline. Boxes, vacuum cleaners, a computer and TV set are among the items sprawled over his backyard. But this isn’t the beginning of a rummage sale. Instead, it’s a salvage hunt for the retired state police officer. Cranberry, along with many of his neighbors, are picking up the pieces – literally – following last weekend’s torrential rainstorm.

Local officials are encouraging Cranberry and other Austin residents hit hard by the Jul 23-24 storms to compile a detailed list with photos and/or video documenting the damage. Flood assessment forms, which need to be turned in by Aug. 6, are available at the aldermen’s offices. The information will be used by the city to secure federal reimbursement money from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to aid victims.

The South Austin Coalition Community Council, 5660 W. Madison St., also will have flood damage forms for pick-up and drop-off.

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